Author: Briana "Symmie" Simmons
•12:41 AM
A while back I went through a very difficult time in my life. I was struggling with insecurity. God revealed to me that my insecurity was another form of pride. I would be down and feeling insecure so I would seek someone to build me up. When I started realizing it was pride I began to write down Scriptures that showed me how God views me and read them whenever I was feeling really low. It was one of the most difficult times in my life. I was very alone and cried myself to sleep a lot.

As God helped me overcome I would go through spells when it was worse and when it was better. But at least I knew that it was my emotions and I would cling to Scripture instead of what I was feeling.

I remember praying and asking God if I would always struggle with this. I began stashing journals wherever I could so that when I was feeling really low I would pull one out and write out what I am thankful for. Something good about my day. Nothing negative allowed. Well God had mercy on me.

Recently I found out that I am lactose and soy intolerant. So I changed my diet and started taking an Enzyme that helps me digest the little that I still get in my diet (milk and soy are in EVERYTHING). What I discovered through this was that when I have milk or soy in my diet my emotions get all out of whack! The Enzyme helped a TON with that as well. I found this out because I forgot to take my Enzyme and the next day I was an emotional wreck and I was right back in my insecure place. It happened again yesterday.

I would like to ask for prayer at this point though because I am out of Enzymes as of tomorrow morning. I went today to buy more and the one and only place in town (I tried 4 other stores) that carries it is out until next week. This means that I have to go on a very strict diet and I will have to go through a very emotional week this week. Even though I know the cause it will still be difficult so I am asking for prayer. Specifically that I will not cheat on my diet (its hard because milk and soy give me a "high" so to speak, which is why I crash emotionally afterwards) and that I will not use my diet as an excuse. Just because I know what helps doesn't mean that I can't still control it with God's help. Its still wrong of me to base everything on my emotions, its still prideful for me to seek to be built up by others and not look to God's Word for who I am, its all still sin. So please pray for me this week that I will honor God.
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On October 30, 2008 at 10:26 AM , Julee Huy said...

YOu can try Pepcid AC, that also works.

On October 30, 2008 at 11:19 PM , barnettblend said...

I will be praying.. sorry I missed your call today.. :(

On October 31, 2008 at 12:52 AM , Briana "Symmie" Simmons said...

I discovered an amazing thing today...we have a place called VRP which stands for Vitamin Research Products!!! Tomorrow I will go and see what they have. YAY!!!!

If not I will try the pepcid...funny'd you figure that one out?

No problem Alicia...just callin' to chat.