Author: Briana "Symmie" Simmons
•7:13 PM
Hello all and aren't you glad that I am going to give you a day to day description of my cruise?! Its actually going to be very cool. There will be 8 posts regarding this. I will show pics of the places we went and explain what it was like. Don't get bored! It will be fun!!!

Day 1 We were mostly traveling. For those of you who don't know we were starting in Seward Alaska which is North and working our way south to Vancouver Canada where we would end. So day 1 we were traveling from Carson City to Seward took ALL day.

Funny story, that morning I was shaving my legs and the shaving cream splurted (yes thats a word) all over and got in my eyes. I immediately started flushing my eyes out and my big concern on my mind? Blindness? No, I was thinking "gosh I hope I get to drive to the airport!!!" Silly me.

We made it to the airport safe, flew to Anchorage where we got to experience something you guys have not got to experience for several Aunt and cousin were there right when we got off the plane! I miss the pre 9-11 days. They flew into the same airport at the same time so they were able to come find us. We all went together and got on the bus that would take us 2 hours to Seward.

Isn't she precious? This is Alissa Grace, my cousin's 18 month old. She went with us and she was a joy! Takes after me of course!

We made one stop to stretch our legs and then we finally got to Seward to board our ship.

We had a little time to explore and settle. What we had to do once we got settled was to Muster...which is where they make sure you know the safety procedures if you have a Titanic type experience.

This Mustering called for us to put on our life jackets...hence these lovely pictures that I HAD to include!!! The above is my mom.
This, of course, is the lovely Alissa. She was not too happy about her life jacket!

This is my cousin Jessica in her lovely orange hue.

And this is my Aunt Bev wearing her gorgeous ensemble.

Immediately after this we had our first dinner on board. It was fabulous.

During dinner at one point I looked out and realized we were moving! We had embarked on our All Girl Mountain Fest! At least, that's what my souvenier shirt calls it! Not much to tell after that...I will continue this series later with Day 2. Or at least day 2 part 1 because we did so much and saw so much every day that it was amazing!!!
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On September 4, 2008 at 9:45 PM , barnettblend said...

How long did it take to fly to Alaska?

On September 4, 2008 at 10:54 PM , Julee Huy said...

I like how you're all like:

Oh, that's my mom in her life jacket... and then you're all talking nice about everyone else... the lovely alissa, jessica in her orange hue, etc..!

On September 5, 2008 at 11:10 PM , Briana "Symmie" Simmons said...

How long? I can't fully remember because we took two flights there and back and there was longer than back because we flew to a different place than from. But I think there was a total flying time of like 5 hours? Maybe? Back was shorter because we were in Vancouver.

Haha!!! I didn't even realize I did that! Thats funny.