Author: Briana "Symmie" Simmons
•11:48 PM
Hello, its me again.

So, we start our annual Poiema (poeima???) group which is a discipleship group for the Senior High Youth Kids.

It began with us kidnapping them (with parental permission) out of their beds (oh that was SO fun!!!) and taking them and interrogating them (ok, we just read them the Poiema contract and then took them to breakfast).

This is my first year participating and its because a girl I was already discipling is part of the group this year so I came on.

It has been amazing. The kids meet with one of us once a week, but a lot of them will still come and talk to others of us. This time is to hold them accountable to things if necessary, talk about what's going on in their lives, to encourage them, and basically, disciple them. It's amazing to meet with someone and watch them grow Spiritually. God is SO good!

We are all memorizing the entire book of James. Sounds crazy...but its not so hard. We have until April 25 and we work on it in small chunks. For example, right now we are working on 1:9-18, and we have two weeks to learn it. See...not so bad.

Every other week we meet as a group. We quote our Scriptures, have dinner, worship, and have a Bible study time.

We have only met twice but I am already sensing a deep bond of friendship forming between the 9 of us involved. There are 5 adults and 4 youth. It is such a precious time and my love for these kids is just growing and growing. It is priceless. I hurt when they hurt, I am sad to have to correct, but the joy of seeing them take their hurt to God, to see them take correction and change, to see them growing and hungering after God's Word...Oh I could go on and on. They are precious to my heart and I love them.

There is something so amazing about being able to speak into someone's life. I love working with youth kids for that simple reason. To see them grow into these adults that love God and His Word and hunger and thirst for righteousness, and to know that you had a part however small in that, well there's nothing like that.
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On September 15, 2009 at 1:08 AM , Jerry's Precious Kim said...

I so enjoying hearing about the ministry that the Lord has you in it blesses my heart and encourages me. You are brave to work with the youth they scare me hee hee. The women can be pretty scary too at times I guess lol.
oh man see I am giggling at everything now I just better go to bed now love ya. xoXXoxO

On September 15, 2009 at 4:15 PM , Cher said...

I am glad you are doing this. I love this program.